Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Margarida's Story - The Time Machine

He had been working at it for years as his father and grandfather before him, he knew that if he was persistent he would get there eventually. As he contemplated the device he felt pride and joy for was to fulfil his liftime dream - to travel in time.

He was so excited to finish his machine that he couldn't wait no more time! He turn on the button and BUM! An explosion of colourfull lights filled the room.
When he opened his eyes he is in other world!
Everything was green. All the pretty things you can imagined were there! The sound of that world was different than the real world. This sound was only the sound of the nature, a peaceful sound. Everyone was smiling. The love between people was visible and the smiles on their faces showed how happy that people were.
Arthur was looking for something that said him what place was that. He met Caroline, a young pretty and nice girl. Arthur stayed in her house, a house that was natural, the water came from a source, the food was all grown in a pure land... Nothing was manipulated.
Arthur stayed in that world, a world call DREAM, a old world where everything was respected, for a few months. He fell in love by Caroline. He was so happy like never been before!
He had to decide if he wanted to live in DREAM, with the new love, or if he wanted go back to the FAKE WORLD.
Arthur decided that his happiness was there so he destroyed the machine because the purpose of it was completed: He found a place where he wanted to live and where he was really loved !

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