Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lu's Story - I

I followed the evil scientist in to a dark room. What I saw, I would never forget…
We were in the end of the 40’s, and the World War Two had just finally ended few years ago. We’d already noticed that that terrible Dr. Victor Lebow, some corporations and the government were involved in a conspiracy, and we were trying to figure out what was about since the beginning. So, in that day, after many months of research work about the location of their secret store, secret passages and hidings, we follow the scientist until that dark room: the hall of the store. It was totally empty, and the floor was totally full of dust. We know, from outside studies, that it would lead us to the main lab of the store. So we’ve waited that the scientist came out again (in taken no longer than half an hour) and, when he finally left (loaded with papers and one huge folder flak) we could get in to the lab. It was full of beakers and vials and tiny little glass tubes, all of them full of purple and green and red viscous substances that smoked stinky gases; it was a sick mad atmosphere in there, it was absolutely insane. It was on the basement, so it was all light up artificially, with really old lamps, full with died mosquitoes. Right in the center, it was one huge mouse case with a lot of mouses in there. We came closer and became shocked with what we saw: the mouses didn’t stop eating! They were eating and eating and eating as faster they can and they just don’t stop. It was awful. Behind, there was a blackboard full of numbers and counts and formulas all written and corrected and full with arrows and some other complicate stuff. Then, on the left, we found one cabinet. We opened it; it had dollar notes, one garbage, magazines, televisions and, in the middle, one safe-deposit box, that was strangely opened. Inside, there was nothing…

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