Thursday, March 11, 2010

The future

We wake up suddenly...The alarm clock shows it's 5 am. We look around and we sense something is not right...We look at the alarm clock again and we open our eyes wide and startle when we see the calendar...It's the year 2110...
Each one of us was in their own houses. We run to our bedroom's windows...Our city was devastated...No one walking in the streets...We got dressed very quickly and we run to the street to investigate. We live in the same street so we went together. After some time, we realized that there was just 3 people...we!
We took the van to go to the near city (Ciih was driving) and there we found the 3 Gents with some bootles of water and a guitar. They joined us in our research around our country playing guitar. Forwards we found the Situations. They had bagpacks with food. They had found Smile & Tears and Vianpe. We get them together a few miles forwards. They had material for camping like tents, sleeping bags and matches...
All together we formed a nomad society that saved the humans from the extintion!

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