Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tutto per voi :(

Here is one amazing italian poem by Francesco Petrarca. It clearly shows how messy and sad love can be:

Per voi

Pace non trovo e non ho da far guerra
e temo, e spero; e ardo e sono un ghiaccio;
e volo sopra'l cielo, e giaccio in terra;
e nulla stringo, e tutto il mondo abbraccio.

Tal m'ha in pregion, che non m'apre né sera,
né per suo mi ritèn né scioglie il laccio;
e non m'ancide Amore, e non mi sferra,
né mi vuol vivo, né mi trae d'impaccio.

Veggio senz'occhi, e non ho lingua, e grido;
e bramo di perir, e chieggio aita;
e ho in odio me stesso, e amo altrui.

Pascomi di dolor, piangendo rido;
egualmente mi spiace morte e vita:
in questo stato son, amore, per voi.

For you

I can't find peace and the war don't want me
I'm afraid, waiting and burning, being frozen,
And I can fly across the sky being ground,
And holding nothing, I hug the hole world.

He jail me, don't let me go, don't give this love one end,
Not even for him he breake the loop
Don't kill this love or set me free,
Don't want me alive or death.

I see without eyes, without tong I scream
And I wish my dead, I wish for help
And full of odium I love someone.

Fed by the pain, laughing I cry
Death or life it's now the same
And all of this, my love, for you.

(I made myself the traslation so probably it's full os mistakes.
All the translations to portuguese I read were all a bit confuses and that was my interpretation.
If you disagree with something please comment. All help it's welcoming : D )

By: Lu*

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