Monday, November 15, 2010

GMF - Genetically Modified Food

Genetically modified (GM) food includes crops, vegetables and fruit that have been created using genetic engineering methods. The principle aim with GM food is to combine desirable genes from various species to create new genetically-altered crosses with enhanced nutritional, productive and ecological value. GMF’s are known for some people as the solution for the hunger problems in the world.

In other hand, this process of combining inter-species genes, which is called recombinant DNA technology, does not have the checks and balances that are imposed by nature in traditional breeding. Without these, there is a risk of genetic instability. This means that no one can make any accurate predictions about the long term effects of GM foodstuffs on human beings and the environment .

So, that leads us to some questions: would GMF’s solve world hunger problems? If it does, would it be the best way of solve it? Aren’t the major hunger problems caused by problems in food distribution and politics, instead of production?

It’s true that GM crops are more productive, resistance to pests, weeds, disease and stay ripe for longer periods and might offer more nutritional value and better flavor or eliminate allergy-causing properties in some foods; they are also more environment friendly as they require less herbicides and pesticides!

But every rose has a thorn...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are 100% percent wrong about the last paragraph!

It is a well sold lie that GM crops are more productive, since they are not better than the conventional hybrids that they are derived, before GE to become either more tolerant to some particular agro-chemical or modified in a certain other view regards color or resistance to frost. It is not weed resistant weeds! - there is no such thing!!! It was marketed that Bt cotton is resistant to a cotton-ball worm [pest] but it was not, aside it showed not being accommodated to a climate so typical to India, b/c the trait was from another country /continent / climate. Return of the black leg in GM canola i Canada that was not a problem for decades, b/c of the natural biodiversity, instead of only one type of canola, showed that GM canola was not superior in anything than the conventional. The same goes to all GE crops tolerant to RoundUp ~ b/c RoundUp is a non biodegradable chemical, and it takes 22 yrs. to partially disintegrate [~50%]. That means that until then the helpful /benevolent soil bacterias can not do their job, so the crop is undernourished and poisoned at the same time, by spreying that in the practice is not lowered, but increased! You may find pictures and videos from Argentina, Brazil, etc, that clearly show what happens to the soil and the crop on a land under RoundUp Ready GM crop - a land slowly but gradually does not bears crop, starting to resemble desert. It is not true that it remains ripe - all other, except one trait of GE crops ripe just as any other conventional /regular crop. The one that does not needs etanol gas to ripe, it is ripen artificially, and that is the maximum of ripening capacity, there for it can remain for half a year on a shelf with no problem, such food should not be considered healthy.
So it is not true for all GM foods that they are able to "stay ripe for longer periods".
It is not true that GE crops /foods and might offer more nutritional value, b/c only golden rice was desighed to do so and it failed.
Other GE crops have not even been designed for that, other than that not small number of GE food showed in independent research conducted without financial gain from the industry, that GE foods were less nutritious, causing health problems to tested animals, b/c during the bombardment of the cell with the virus /bacteria that does the modification, when shutting down 1 gene, some other things mutate randomly as well - b/c the biotechnology is still in it's infancy and the method applied is poor, not precise and often with extremely bad results.
No GE food has ever been characterized as having better flavor - that is still a scientific dream. Aspartame is produced with GM bacterias, and I use to have terrible sickness from anything with aspartame; side effects to aspartame /nutra-sweet consumption are terrible, and if that is a definition of better tasting food, then hell no, I would rather have a healthier food, then that...
More than one GE product has proven to cause allergies instead of eliminate allergy-causing properties in some foods - b/c the body can not recognize those new [GE] molecules in the food and responds with an immune reaction: it happened with different types of soy, but the worst one was the one combined with Brazilian nuts, a common allergen; and finally they are NOT environment friendly as they require MORE herbicides and pesticides, since GE RoundUp Ready crops are directly contributing to unnatural selection of most resistant pests and weeds!

In addition:
[GE] Artificial Bovine Growth Hormone is forbidden with a reason in many countries other than USA, ask your self why is it so.

There is much more... but I leave that to you to find it out for your self if you REALLY want to know, how deep & how bad it goes!
